Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who are we to bully

There are two sides to bullying either you are the one being bullied or you are the bully. Unfortunately, for Daniel Sebben he spent most of his youth being bullied and tormented by his peers. During Sebben time in high school he was subjected to homophobic slurs, insults, and verbal abuse by a group of six boys. With years of bullying Sebben had finally reached his breaking point. Becoming depressed and eventually attempting to commit suicide. When Sebben’s mother realized what her son was being subjected to at school she immediately took action. The superintendent and board were notified. However when Sebben returned to school it just made matters worse and the bullying did not stop.

The Sebben’s family experience is far too common for many students. One must wonder if the way we are handling school bullying is sufficient. It seems that the pyramid of authority is being turned around. If superiors like parents and principals cannot stop bullying among peers then we need to look to other students for help.

Most school’s today have implemented police present in order to ensure safety within the school community. But is this enough? Bullying in the twenty first century has reached a new extreme. With the introduction of online chatting sites like facebook people are now becoming more spatially connected. Compressing space and time together, resulting in the merge of the public and private sphere. So, are we really ever safe from bullying?


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